On Sunday, we took Lucy to see Beauty and the Beast, performed by the Senior High Theatre Camp in town. Lucy had been looking forward to this and talking about it for like a week leading up to it, so we were all pretty psyched.
Of course, she went dressed as Belle. Everyone there just “oohed” and “aahed” over here because, well, she was ridiculously adorable!
The play was 2 1/2 hours long (apparently, the theatre version includes more songs than the movie. I totally didn’t notice that when we saw it performed in Atlanta), and Lucy was a trooper. She was enamored the whole time, and our favorite part was when she looked at Joe with a HUGE smile on her face and said, “Belle LOOKED at me!” We both kind of teared up at that. So freaking cute.
After the play, we went to the Encore Room to meet Belle! Lucy was SO excited, and Belle just gushed over Lucy’s dress. Lucy said, “You did good job” and hugged her, which Belle loved. So stinking cute!
Also, if she was excited about that, she’ll probably die at her birthday party. I’ll just say this: someone wearing that exact Belle dress will be making an appearance!
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