Last week was Lucy’s first week of preschool. And, let me tell you, she LOVES school. There are 10 kids in her class, and she has a wonderful teacher whom Lucy adores.
The first day was hard for both me and Joe. We were strong, though, and neither of us shed a tear. I was pretty proud of myself. Joe took the day off, and we both took Lucy to school. Then, we headed to Chick-fil-A for a breakfast date – the first time we’ve done that in a LONG time. It was really nice. Then, we ran errands until it was time to pick up our girl.
I think it was good to have a busy day. I needed distraction. And, every day since has been easier. Some days, I am even grateful for the 3 hours she’s in school because I’m able to work in peace. That rarely happens when she’s home.
The first couple of weeks has also been full of traumatic experiences for Lucy; you know – kids taking her cookies at snack time and her blocks at play time. Typical 3-year-old drama. It’s tough being a preschooler!
And then, there was this – Joe took Lucy to school yesterday, and a girl in her class was walking in ahead of them with her dad. Want to hear how this went down? Trust me, you do.
Joe: Is she in your class?
Lucy: Yeah. But, she’s not my best friend. SHE STOLE MY COOKIES.
Joe: Lucy. Shhh.
That happened the first day. My kid holds a grudge like no one’s business. Seriously.
I’m grateful for all these funny stories. I’m grateful for all the artwork she brings home. And, most of all, I’m grateful for the experiences she’s having that are helping her grow. It’s going to be a great year!
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