Officially En Pointe!
Do You Want to Build a Snowman? Lucy Turns 5!
January 6, 2015 in Life, Lucy, Lucy's MilestonesOh, how I love to plan my daughter’s birthday parties, and this year was no different. Since Lucy, along with pretty much other young girl, is obsessed with Frozen, it was pretty obvious what the theme of her party was going to be. And,...
Turning 4 – Princess-Style!
December 27, 2013 in Life, Lucy, Lucy's Milestones, MemoriesWow. How has it been more than 2 months since I last posted?? I have been so completely busy with work (which is a good thing since I work for myself now) and parenting my spunky 4-year-old. I have really missed my blog, though,...
The Beginning: Starting Preschool
August 22, 2013 in Life, Lucy, Lucy's Milestones, Memories, ParentingLast week was Lucy’s first week of preschool. And, let me tell you, she LOVES school. There are 10 kids in her class, and she has a wonderful teacher whom Lucy adores. The first day was hard for both me and Joe. We were...
On Becoming the Mother of a Preschooler
August 11, 2013 in Life, Lucy, Lucy's Milestones, ParentingTomorrow, my kiddo starts preschool. I’m holding up well – for now. While I was rocking her tonight, I told Lucy how I’m probably going to cry tomorrow when we take her to school for the first time. Her response? “Don’t cry! I have...
Lucy’s First Haircut
February 2, 2013 in Lucy, Lucy's Milestones, MemoriesLast week, we got Lucy’s hair cut. For the first time. At age 3. That’s how slowly my kid’s hair grows. I mean, really, up until this year, she hardly had any. And, if it wasn’t for the straight strands underneath all her beautiful...
A Bouncing Birthday
December 1, 2012 in Family, Friends, Life, Lucy, Lucy's Milestones, MemoriesHaving a child whose birthday is in November makes birthday party planning difficult. You never know what the weather will be like so you end up having a party indoors somewhere since you have to book a place relatively early. That’s how it was...
Lucy’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Birthday
November 22, 2012 in Life, Lucy, Lucy's Milestones, MemoriesMy sweet girl turned 3 yesterday (seriously, WHERE does the time go??), and we had an awesome day planned. After she played for a while in the Power Wheel we got her, we were going to grab donuts for breakfast (our tradition), and head...
Lucy, Lucy, Lucy the Explorer!
November 12, 2012 in Life, Lucy, Lucy's MilestonesYou guys. My princess is turning 3 in NINE DAYS. I KNOW. Seriously. How did we get to THREE already? Wasn’t it just yesterday that she was born?? Since Lucy’s birthday typically falls around Thanksgiving (this year it’s the day before), we normally have...
Little Gymnast
June 30, 2012 in Life, Lucy, Lucy's Milestones, MemoriesWe decided a while ago that we wanted to get Lucy involved in some sort of activity. Friends and acquaintances had suggested ballet, maybe because Lucy is a girl, but anyone who knows my daughter knows that she is NOT the ballet type. She...