Menu Plan Monday ~ Week of 10/11

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Menu Plan Monday ~ 4/29/13
April 29, 2013 in Menu Plan MondayI have a pretty simple week planned. I was hoping to find a new recipe to try this week, but that just didn’t happen. I’ve been so crazy busy lately. Here’s what I have planned this week: Monday: Spaghetti, rolls, veggies Tuesday: Baked potatoes,...
Menu Plan Monday ~ 4/21/13
April 22, 2013 in Menu Plan MondayI am super excited about this week because we are doing mostly dishes out of our normal rotation. One (black bean soup) we have had once before; the others are new dishes, and I am looking forward to trying them! Here’s what I have...
Menu Plan Monday ~ 02/25/13
February 25, 2013 in Menu Plan MondayAnother Monday, another week of menu planning. I need to start coming up with at least one new dish a week for the blog on which I post recipes, so I’m going to have to hit Pinterest for some ideas. I have one for...
Menu Plan Monday ~ 02/18/13
February 18, 2013 in Menu Plan MondayOne of the things I enjoy about posting recipes to a blog I write for is that it forces me to try new recipes. And, that’s what I’ll be doing this week with the Zucchini-Corn Cannelloni recipe I found in my newest issue of...
Menu Plan Monday ~ Jan. 7, 2012
January 7, 2013 in Menu Plan MondayI’m linking up with Org Junkie’s Menu Plan Monday. I’m looking forward to getting back into cooking this week. I’m trying out a new crock pot chicken recipe tonight that I hope turns out well. I really need to start using my crock pot more...
Menu Plan Monday ~ Dec. 31, 2012
December 31, 2012 in Menu Plan MondaySo….it’s been a long time since I’ve participated with Org Junkie’s Menu Plan Monday. I’m hoping that getting back into it will help me really stick to a menu each week. My goal for 2013 is to not spend all of my grocery budget...
Menu Plan Monday — March 26, 2012
March 26, 2012 in Food, Menu Plan MondaySooo…yeah…I haven’t menu planned in a while. It’s probably because we tend to eat the same old things every week (we’re boring and don’t really care since they’re foods we love), but this week I’m actually doing a few different things, so I thought...