The Beginning: Starting Preschool
On Becoming the Mother of a Preschooler
August 11, 2013 in Life, Lucy, Lucy's Milestones, ParentingTomorrow, my kiddo starts preschool. I’m holding up well – for now. While I was rocking her tonight, I told Lucy how I’m probably going to cry tomorrow when we take her to school for the first time. Her response? “Don’t cry! I have...
Toy Question
October 30, 2011 in ParentingDo any of you have toy cash registers for your kids? Lucy played with one at a play area last week, and she seemed to like the cash drawer a little bit (once she figured out how it worked, that is), but I wonder...
Heading toward Potty Training
July 7, 2011 in Life, ParentingI think Lucy might be getting ready to start potty training. The other day, she pulled off her diaper, and when I asked if she had to go potty, she ran into the bathroom and pointed at the toilet. I sat her on it,...
The Battle of the Sippy Cup
September 14, 2010 in Lucy, ParentingWe are starting the process of trying to get Lucy to drink out of a sippy cup. Our pediatrician says she wants Lucy off formula and on milk by 11 1/2 months, which gives us about 1 1/2 months now to get Lucy transitioned...
Sleep Training
April 7, 2010 in Lucy, ParentingSleep training is going really well for nap times. Lucy is usually ready for a nap an hour or so after she wakes up, and when I see her rubbing her eyes or yawning, I put her in her room. Usually she’ll cry for...
Two Months
February 9, 2010 in Lucy, ParentingDear Lucy, Mommy’s finally getting around to writing your two month update. Two months was big for you, as I think every month will be. You had your first round of vaccinations (and definitely was not a fan of all the needles!) and you...
Protected: Thoughts
February 1, 2010 in Life, ParentingThere is no excerpt because this is a protected post.