the birthday weekend
March 26, 2007 in Family, Food, Friends, General, Life, Marriage, Memories, Romance, Scrapbooking, Shoppingfirst of all, thanks to all of you for your birthday wishes. that was really sweet! my birthday weekend was great. on saturday, we headed up to tennessee, met my brothers and sister-in-law for church, and then went to my parents’ for lunch. i...
i love surprises
February 27, 2006 in General, Memories, Romancejoe told me on friday that he had a surprise for me. yesterday, i got it. i was sitting in bed, reading, when he told me to close my eyes. when i opened them, i was surrounded by rose petals, and my breakfast was...
i love you day
February 15, 2006 in General, Holidays, Life, Memories, Romancethe alarm went off at midnight yesterday morning. “why is it going off?” i mumbled in my grumpy, semi-concious state. “valentine’s day starts now,” joe said. “every hour i’m going to tell you something i love about you.” and he did. i smiled as...
couldn’t have a better day
January 28, 2006 in Engagement, Family, Friends, General, Life, Memories, Romance, Wedding Planstoday was a fabulous day. joe and i went to my parents’ house for lunch, and then we went with them to look at the courthouse where we plan to have our wedding. on our way back to cartersville we met up with john...
my weekend is almost here
November 17, 2005 in Family, General, Life, Memories, Romance, Worktoday is my last day at the paper. i’m sad. and scared. i’ve been a journalist for four years, and now, though i’ll still be a journalist, it won’t be the same. i’ll be writing three-sentence stories instead of 15-inch stories. i don’t want...
the work week begins
November 14, 2005 in General, Life, Romancei’m still hurting. *sigh* some of the pain is from the incisions, but i know a lot of it is from the gas they used to expand my stomach, and let me tell you that is quite painful. it hurts to move. i can’t...
you know you’re in love when . . .
November 8, 2005 in General, Life, Memories, Romancei’m sitting at my computer, listening to a few of my favorite romantic country songs, and all i’m doing is picturing me and joe. i’ve always loved “one boy, one girl” by colin raye, and i can see our first date, our wedding day...
almost to a diagnosis
October 27, 2005 in General, Health and Fitness, Life, Romancefor six months i’ve been dealing with pain in my pelvic area. i’ve been to, oh, at least four or five doctors and two hospitals, and have tried probably every medicine known to man. i’m still not better. now that the blood test came...