March 15, 2005
Party, Party, Party
Last Saturday night, we went to a surprise party for Joe’s parents’ friend Brian’s 50th birthday. Brian’s kids and their significant others, as well as another couple, met us at Joe’s parents’ cabin for snacks and then we all caravaned to Doris and Carl’s cabin. Brian was totally surprised. he thought everyone was getting together for a neighborhood cookout. We all…well, most of us…ok, us younguns put on party hats and got into the celebration. It was great fun. We cooked out (even grillers for moi, the vegetarian) and just hung out and talked and watched Brian open his...
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My Stupidity
March 14, 2005 in Grrr, Life, Oops!I sprained my foot. well, according to the doctor, BADLY sprained my foot. And, I don’t even have a good reason, like kicking Joe (joking!). Nope. I tripped over myself going down the stairs and fell on my right foot. In my own house....