okay, okay, so it hasn’t been *that* long since i’ve posted, but i’ve been having blogging withdrawals. guess that says a lot about my addiction, huh? not much going on in our world right now. i started my new job, and i love it. we had a fabulous weekend in atlanta, which i will post about once i get the pictures developed. my cats are still getting used to the idea that joe’s house is now their house. they keep waiting by the door like they’re ready to leave. haha. joke’s on them. and on dizzy who hides in the closet every so often for some peace and quiet.
i’m ready for thanksgiving. i love thanksgiving. i love the food (mmmmm…this must be why i need to diet. heh.). i love spending time with my family. joe’s leaving tomorrow to head up to his parents’ cabin, so i’ll have tomorrow night to myself. i’ll miss him, but it’ll be nice to have a me night (and to have a chance to completely turn his place into mine. haha). he’ll meet me at my parents’ house thursday night just in time for two hours of donald and his apprenticeses. woo hoo! let me tell you, that’s the highlight of his week. heh.
and now that i’m rambling about nothing in particular i think i’ll stop. bet you all wish i’d stayed in seclusion now, huh? 🙂
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