Did you know that Santa lives in Cherokee County, Ga?
Well, he does, and this weekend we took Lucy to see him and Mrs. Claus. We were amazed from the moment we drove up and saw the light display in Santa’s yard. It was incredible, and little Miss Lucy didn’t want to leave when it was finally time to head home.

We had to coax Lucy to go into Santa’s workshop by telling her there were lights inside. However, she tried to make a run for it when we got to the door, so we had to force her to go in. She calmed down when I told her she would get a treat after she saw Santa (because he was giving out candy canes), but when it was her turn to sit on Santa’s lap, she L-O-S-T it. I wish we hadn’t already printed our holiday cards because this picture is a winner.

We took two other pictures. Want to see them?

Yep. Not much different. I’m hoping next year will be the magic year when she won’t cry when we go to see Santa.
After we left Santa, we went back outside to see the lights again and then had to try to coax Lucy into the main house to see Mrs. Claus. That went just as well as the visit with Santa. Lucy was pretty calm when we were watching the train circle around the village that was set up, but Lucy wouldn’t go anywhere near Mrs. Claus. On our way out, though, she had fun looking in the different rooms.

At the entrance to the main house was a Christmas countdown clock.

We had a lot of fun, and Lucy cried when we left. She wanted to keep looking at the lights. I can’t wait to take her back next year!
Thanks for sharing your pics. I enjoyed seeing them. Love the bubble lights on the tree. My grandma had them on her tree when I was a kid.
Wowoo~ I desire to be with you at that time!!!So many lights displayed, amazing!!!A really nice trip!!:D