I sprained my foot. well, according to the doctor, BADLY sprained my foot. And, I don’t even have a good reason, like kicking Joe (joking!). Nope. I tripped over myself going down the stairs and fell on my right foot. In my own house. As my cats watched and laughed. Yep. I’m a moron.
My mom and I thought it was broken because it didn’t swell. Friday morning, I could barely walk, so Joe drove up here, picked me up and took me to Cartersville Medical Center. It’s our favorite date place. We’ve been there twice…more times than we’ve gone anywhere else! 🙂 We were only there about an hour and a half and were told it was a bad sprain. They wrapped it up, gave me crutches and two Loritab and sent me on my merry way.
Joe couldn’t take me back home because he had an appointment in Atlanta, so he set me up on the couch at his house with ice on my foot. About half an hour later, the medicine kicked in (oh what wonderful stuff it is) and I got real dizzy and about passed out. But, I wasn’t in as much pain! I used the crutches for part of the weekend but gave up after I started injuring myself even more with them. I’m just not smart enough to use those things. Hehe. Yesterday, I wore my shoe for the first time, albeit untied. Today I’m still hurting but at least it’s not as bad.
Tash says
Oh no! Poor you, I hope it feels MUCH better soon! I loved the way you told the story, though!
cady says
thanks! i tried to be a little humorous. 🙂