you know how every once in a while someone will find something rare, like a picasso painting, at a flea market? well, that happened to us last sunday. we hit a couple of flea markets before the braves game for a story joe is writing, and at the second one joe decided to browse through some books. as he did, he found a 1904 edition of mark twain’s a kid in king arthur’s court. joe asked how much it was and was told $1, so he handed the seller a $1 bill and we left quickly, just in case the seller realized what he had just sold.
we came home and looked up the value. it’s worth $4-$400! we couldn’t find the exact copy online, so joe’s going to call some stores that sell rare books to find out. not that we’re going to sell it. my dad’s a bookworm, so we’re giving it to him for his birthday in november — with the understanding that it eventually comes back to us, of course!
what a great find! i love old books… actually, i just love books in general, but the older, the better.
Ah, that moment of anxiety between realizing the deal is just too good and hearing ‘here’s your receipt’. 🙂
that is an awesome find! i love flea markets. clancy fixes bikes and he’s always looking for used ones to work on. he finds old schwinns all the time for like $5!