Dear Lucy,
Today you turned 2 and, as excited as I’ve been for your birthday (or, should I say, your birthday party), it also makes me kind of sad to see you turn another year older. You’re no longer a baby. You’re a toddler. You’re my little girl.
You definitely have your attitude, which you have developed since your first birthday, but for the most part, we find it cute. You’ve recently started giving us your little “Whatcha talkin’ about?” look. You come close to rolling your eyes, but you’re not quite there yet. It’s ridiculously adorable.
You are talking up a storm. A good bit of it is still jibberish, but you are saying more and more words. When you wake up in the morning, you ask for whichever parent doesn’t get you up, and then, on the way to the kitchen to get your morning bup (cup), you say hi to all the cats. “Hi, Dizzy! Hi, Ah (AJ)! Hi, Dada (Callie).” You also have to say hi to your Care Bears — “Ah duh” (the purple bear) and “Meen” (the green bear). You take your two Care Bears, your Tigger and your Tigger pillow EVERYWHERE you go. We call them your entourage.
Eating is still a struggle at times. Sometimes you’ll pig out, and other times you’ll hardly eat anything. You can, however, eat your weight in carrots. It’s your favorite food, which cracks me up because what kid likes vegetables??
Bath time is still your favorite thing. The other night, you were in the tub for about 40 minutes. You would sit in there all day and play with your toys if we let you.
Another favorite of yours? ELMO! So, it was fitting that we used that as the theme for your birthday party. And, Elmo even made a guest appearance! You were in awe, and you were so sad when he left. Mommy’s eyes teared up a little watching you run up to him and give him a big hug. I love making you so happy.

Although every new stage is more fun than the last, I do wish time would stop just for a bit so I can enjoy them just a little bit longer. Time is just flying by way too quickly.
I love you so much my little sugar monkey!
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