rambling thoughts
maybe i shouldn’t have kids . . .
in General, Lifeon saturday, joe and i went to see penny, my best friend from high school, and her husband, will. penny and i lost touch a year ago, but thankfully she found my email address after one of my stories in the paper and emailed...
picking our song
June 2, 2005 in General, Life, Memories, Men vs. Women, Romancejoe and i are in the process of choosing our song. last weekend we chose “just like heaven” by the cure, but it’s more fast-paced, and i want a slower song that we can dance to (you know, for something like a wedding at...
it’s about ME
May 24, 2005 in General, Lifeapparantly i should be writing more about the cats than myself. that is according to the comment joe left on my last post. to him i say TOUGH LUCK…you get to hear about me anyway. 🙂 i am a clutz. i’ll be the first...
anniversary, part 1
May 22, 2005 in General, Life, Memories, Romancejoe and i had the most fabulous anniversary. i will write all about our date once i get the pictures developed on monday, but i had to share this. for my present he got me a silver heart-shaped necklace with diamonds around the sides....
six months
May 20, 2005 in General, Life, Memories, Romancei can’t believe joe and i have already been dating for six months. it really doesn’t seem like that long. and, although this may seem odd, this is the longest relationship i’ve been in. that could be sad or good, depending on how you...
is it friday yet?
May 17, 2005 in General, Lifewell i’ve been back for almost an hour. turns out my meeting isn’t until tomorrow at 7:30 a.m. for some reason i was thinking yesterday was the 17th. sigh. i think it’s time for a nap now…
coffee . . .
in General, Lifeit’s 6:30 a.m. and i’m up and going. i woke up at 6. i never get up at 6. my bed begged me to stay. sigh. must…have…coffee…